Law Of Attraction And How to Use It!

We live in a world of laws, and it is the key law of the universe that I wish to tell you about today, and that is the Law Of Attraction. You see, the LoA states that whatever you think about most dominantly in your mind you will begin to attract into existence. For example, have you ever longed to see an old friend? I mean, think about this person almost to the point of obsessing over them for days on end and out of the blue someone else begins to talk about that person, or even better, they call you up to talk out of the blue? Now, all that obsessing and thinking simply created that situation into happening. You, through the secret law of attraction, brought that into your life.

Obviously, that may have gone way over your head if you haven’t heard this before, I would ask that you stick with me through this article and I promise you will be in a happier mood than when you began this journey of personal growth.

Your thoughts put out frequencies into the world, these frequencies have vibrations (you’ve heard of good vibes?) which will begin to attract anything else of the same likeness, is that all things are in constant motion and vibrating matter. You can begin to feel happy and excited and like a magnet, you will begin to attract the things that you want in life, cars, homes, and health. Though the opposite is true if you are thinking negative thoughts, say, for instance, you are thinking bitter and angry thoughts of debt and incompetence, you will naturally attract more debt, being that you are putting all your focus and thought on the word, “debt.”

What do you really want in life, where do you see yourself, what are you doing? I would ask that you write it down and visualize yourself already having the things that you want, that’s right, see them in the present tense and in doing so you affirm it to yourself. The universe is like a catalog, endless and full, use it to your full advantage, this is your life we’re talking about. Remember to feel excited and joyful when doing this exercise. Passion allows things to manifest even faster, being that you are revving up the vibrations.

3 Steps To Take:

  • Ask – You will attract like a magnet the things you need in life if you use a laser-like focus to contemplate them day in and day out.
  • Believe – Know with unending faith that you will have this want, in the time that is perfect for you.
  • Receive – The last step is to receive the things you need with wonderful and loving gratitude, being so joyful that you didn’t get discouraged and had self-doubt.

Many pessimistic people like myself have a hard time with this at first, freaking themselves out by learning the power of the secret. Pessimist’s know that their thoughts always run towards the negative realm of ideas and situations. Hope is around the corner in the fact that scientists have proven that a positive thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought, so, understand that when you train your mind to become an optimist (over time, through personal development) and you develop a passion for the things you desire it will manifest more quickly than if it were a negative thought and action. So, remember to give your positive thinking a tune-up if it has been on the back burner for a while.

Another good thing about the Law of Attraction is that the universe has a time delay switch for the thoughts that you put into it. That’s to say that, not everything will manifest from your thoughts all at once, it would be terrible if you thought about a flock of seagulls ruining your party and within seconds they appeared and started relieving themselves everywhere. If you think a bad thought here and there, don’t be too alarmed.

With the hundreds of thousands of thoughts, you have throughout the day, this may all seem too overwhelming to you, are you wondering how to keep track of all those thoughts, and how to rid all the bad thoughts? Simply put, our thoughts give off feelings inside our minds and bodies, this is an easy way that the universe gave us to have and idea about what we are creating in our lives and for our future, i.e. good results.

Good Feelings To Bring Good Things-

Excitement, Joy, Love, An Emotional High, Gratitude.

Bad Feelings That Bring Bad Things-

Depression, Anger, Self Doubt, Anxiety.

Remember, you get what you are feeling about, not what you are thinking about. A feeling comes from the core of your body and is a more accurate gauge of what will manifest. If you are feeling terrible, having a no-good day, your day will continue to spiral downwards until guess what? Until you put a stop to that terrible feeling and shift your emotions more positively to create a wonderful change for your entire day.
Recommended Tasks To Help Get Out Of Your Bad Mood:

Turn on happy music.
Play with your family pet.

Go for a walk/run.

Write a list of all the things that you are grateful for.
Have fun with this, enjoy yourself, try different things. One of my favorite things to do is lay in bed at night and think of all the things I am grateful for and when I am emotionally high I think long and focused on the one thing I want most. Now, it is easier for some to start with small things, like I may be more followers on your blog or subscribers, set a number, and focus on it.

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